Support us

Disability Assist is a registered charity and relies on funding and donations from the public and other external sources to operate.
Without such support, we would not be able to exist.
We are constantly in need of funding and are very grateful to the many organisations and individuals that have chosen to support our valuable work.
If you would like to help us, there are several ways you can make a donation:
By PayPal
Click here to securely make a one-off or monthly donation online via PayPal, either with a credit or debit card or your PayPal account.
By Standing Order
If you want to make regular donations, payments by standing order are an effective way of doing this. You can make payments weekly, monthly, quarterly or yearly to suit.
Once the initial forms are completed, please return them to the Disability Assist office for processing.
We will then forward them to your bank who will do the rest.
By Payroll Giving
Many employers now operate Payroll Giving schemes.
These schemes are tax efficient as they enable you to make a donation directly from your salary before tax has been deducted.
This means that if you pay the basic rate of tax, for every £1.00 you give to Disability Assist, it only costs you 78 pence. (For higher rate taxpayers the scheme has even greater advantages).
For more information about Payroll Giving please contact us.
Legacies are an effective way of making sure that your good intentions and our vital work continues into the future.
Naturally, your first concern will be for your family and loved ones, but please consider helping us by including Disability Assist within your will.
Legacies are tax-free and simple to set up even if you do not currently have a will.
For more information regarding legacy giving please contact us.
Gift Aid
Please consider using Gift Aid, as this provides a great opportunity for you to increase the value of the donations you make to Disability Assist.
Provided you are a UK taxpayer, however you make your donations, we can reclaim the basic rate tax from the Inland Revenue, boosting the donation by 28%.
This means that a donation of £10.00 is worth £12.80 to Disability Assist.